Stanford English Grammatical Relation Model
The "governor" grammatical relation, which is the inverse of "dependent"
the red car - gov(red, car)
The "dependent" grammatical relation, which is the inverse of "governor"
the red car - dep(car, red)
The "root" grammatical relation between a faked "ROOT" node, and the root of the sentence.
dummy relation kill
Dummy relation, used while collapsing relations, in English & Chinese GrammaticalStructure
parent: dep
The "predicate" grammatical relation. The predicate of a clause is the main VP of that clause; the predicate of a subject is the predicate of the clause to which the subject belongs.
Reagan died - pred(Reagan, died)
Root S|SINV <# VP=target
parent: dep
The "auxiliary" grammatical relation. An auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause.
Reagan has died - aux(died, has)
Root VP and < VP < /^(?:TO|MD|VB.*|AUXG?|POS)$/=target
Root SQ|SINV < /^(?:VB|MD|AUX)/=target $++ /^(?:VP|ADJP)/
Root CONJP and < TO=target < VB
Root SINV < VP=target and < /^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/ < /^(?i:am|is|are|r|be|being|'s|'re|'m|was|were|been|s|ai|m|art|ar|wase)$/ $-- VP < VBG
passive auxiliary
parent: aux
The "passive auxiliary" grammatical relation. A passive auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause which contains the passive information.
Kennedy has been killed - auxpass(killed, been)
Root VP and < /^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/=target < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase|get|getting|gets|got|gotten)$/ < VP|ADJP or < VBN|VBD and < VP|ADJP < VBN|VBD < CC
Root SQ|SINV < /^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/=target and < /^(?i:am|is|are|r|be|being|'s|'re|'m|was|were|been|s|ai|m|art|ar|wase)$/ $++ VP < VBD|VBN
Root SINV < VP=target and < /^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/ < /^(?i:am|is|are|r|be|being|'s|'re|'m|was|were|been|s|ai|m|art|ar|wase)$/ $-- VP < VBD|VBN
Root SINV < VP=target and < VP < /^(?:VB|AUX|POS)/ < /^(?i:am|is|are|r|be|being|'s|'re|'m|was|were|been|s|ai|m|art|ar|wase)$/ $-- VP < VBD|VBN
parent: aux
The "copula" grammatical relation. A copula is the relation between the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb.
Bill is big - cop(big, is)
Bill is an honest man - cop(man, is)
Root VP < /^(?:VB|AUX)/=target and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ or $++ /^(?:ADJP|NP$|WHNP$)/ !< VBN|VBD !$++ /^N/ $++ S <: ADJP < JJ
Root SQ|SINV < /^(?:VB|AUX)/=target and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ or $++ ADJP !< VBN|VBD $++ NP $++ NP $++ S <: ADJP < JJ
Root SBARQ and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/=target < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ < WHNP < WP
Root SINV <# NP $++ NP $++ VP=target < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/
parent: dep
The "conjunct" grammatical relation. A conjunct is the relation between two elements connected by a conjunction word. We treat conjunctions asymmetrically: The head of the relation is the first conjunct and other conjunctions depend on it via the <i>conj</i> relation. <i>Note:</i>Modified in 2010 to exclude the case of a CC/CONJP first in its phrase: it has to conjoin things.
Bill is big and honest - conj(big, honest)
Root VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|SQ|RRC < CC|CONJP and $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN|PP|ADVP|RB)/ $+ !/^(?:SBAR|PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/=target
Root SBAR < CC|CONJP and $-- @SBAR $+ @SBAR=target
Root VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|SQ|RRC < CC|CONJP and $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN|PP|ADVP|RB)/ $+ ADVP $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/=target
Root VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|SQ=root and < CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN|PP|ADVP|RB)/ < /^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/ $+ /^S|SINV$|^(?:A|N|V|PP|PRP|J|W|R)/=target or $-- CC|CONJP and $-- __ ># =root !$++ /^:|,$/ $++ =target $-- /^:|,$/ and $-- __ ># =root or !$-- /^CC|CONJP$/ $++ =target < /^,$/ $++ __ ># =target
Root /^(?:ADJP|JJP|PP|QP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ or < CC|CONJP and $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN)$/ $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/=target < FW=target < /^(?i:etc)$/ < ADVP|NP=target <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root /^(?:ADJP|PP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ < CC|CONJP and $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN)$/ $+ ADVP $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/=target
Root /^(?:ADJP|PP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ and or < CC|CONJP $-- !/^(?:``|-LRB-|PRN)$/ < FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ < ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ < /^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/ or $+ /^S|SINV$|^(?:A|N|V|PP|PRP|J|W|R)/=target $+ FW=target < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root NX|NML and or < CC|CONJP $- __ < FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ < /^,$/ $- /^(?:A|N|V|PP|PRP|J|W|R|S)/=target
Root /^(?:VP|S|SBAR|SBARQ|SINV|ADJP|PP|QP|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML)$/ or < CC $++ CC|CONJP $+ !/^(?:PRN|``|''|-[LR]RB-|,|:|\.)$/=target <-1 FW=target < /^(?i:etc)$/ <-1 ADVP|NP=target <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
parent: dep
The "coordination" grammatical relation. A coordination is the relation between an element and a conjunction.
Bill is big and honest. - cc(big, and)
Root __ or < CC=target !< /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ < CONJP=target !< RB and < /^(?i:not)$/ $+ RB|JJ < /^(?i:only|just|merely)$/
parent: dep
The "punctuation" grammatical relation. This is used for any piece of punctuation in a clause, if punctuation is being retained in the typed dependencies. The condition for NFP to appear hear is that it does not match the emoticon patterns under discourse.
Go home! - punct(Go, !)
Root __ < /^(?:\.|:|,|''|``|\*|-LRB-|-RRB-|HYPH)$/=target
Root __ < NFP=target and !< /^(?:[<>]?[:;=8][\-o\*']?(?:-RRB-|-LRB-|[DPdpO\/\\\:}{@\|\[\]])|(?:-RRB-|-LRB-|[DPdpO\/\\\:}{@\|\[\]])[\-o\*']?[:;=8][<>]?)$/ !< /(?!^--$)^(?:-LRB-)?[\-\^x=~<>'][_.]?[\-\^x=~<>'](?:-RRB-)?$/
parent: dep
The "argument" grammatical relation. An argument of a VP is a subject or complement of that VP; an argument of a clause is an argument of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
Clinton defeated Dole - arg(defeated, Clinton), arg(defeated, Dole)
parent: arg
The "subject" grammatical relation. The subject of a VP is the noun or clause that performs or experiences the VP; the subject of a clause is the subject of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
Clinton defeated Dole - subj(defeated, Clinton)
What she said is untrue - subj(is, What she said)
nominal subject
parent: subj
The "nominal subject" grammatical relation. A nominal subject is a subject which is an noun phrase.
Clinton defeated Dole - nsubj(defeated, Clinton)
Root S=subj and < NP|WHNP=target and and !< EX !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ $++ VP=verb : =subj or !> VP !<< =verb < TO
Root S < NP=target and <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ !$++ NP $++ VP
Root SQ|PRN < NP=target and !< EX $++ VP
Root SQ < NP=target and !< EX $- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ !$++ VP
Root SQ and < NP=target and !< EX $- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ !$++ VP !$-- NP|WHNP
Root SQ < NP=target and !< EX and $- RB $- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ !$++ VP
Root SBARQ and < WHNP=target < SQ < VP !$-- NP
Root SBARQ and < WHNP=target < SQ < /^(?:VB)/ and !< /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ and !$-- NP !$++ VP
Root SBARQ < SQ=target and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ !< VP
Root SINV < NP|WHNP=target or $- VP|VBZ|VBD|VBP|VB|MD|AUX $- @RB|ADVP $- VP|VBZ|VBD|VBP|VB|MD|AUX and !$- __ !$ @NP
Root SINV < NP $++ NP=target $++ VP < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/
Root S and < NP=target $+ NP|ADJP > VP
Root SBAR and < WHNP=target or < S and < VP !$-- NP !< SBAR and < VP !$-- NP !< S
Root SBAR and !< WHNP < S !< NP $++ VP > VP > S $- WHNP=target
Root SQ < NP and < EX $++ NP=target
Root S and < NP < EX <+(VP) VP < NP=target
Root SBARQ and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ < WHNP < WP < NP=target
Root SBARQ < WHNP=target $++ /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ and $++ ADJP=adj !$++ NP $++ =adj
Root SBARQ and <1 WHNP=target < SQ and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ or < NP < EX < PP
nominal passive subject
parent: nsubj
The "nominal passive subject" grammatical relation. A nominal passive subject is a subject of a passive which is an noun phrase. This pattern recognizes basic (non-coordinated) examples. The coordinated examples are currently handled by correctDependencies() in EnglishGrammaticalStructure. This seemed more accurate than any tregex expression we could come up with.
Dole was defeated by Clinton - nsubjpass(defeated, Dole)
Root S|SQ and < WHNP|NP=target !< EX < VP and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase|get|getting|gets|got|gotten)$/ < VP < VBN|VBD
clausal subject
parent: subj
The "clausal subject" grammatical relation. A clausal subject is a subject which is a clause. (subject is "what she said" in both examples)
What she said makes sense - csubj(makes, said)
What she said is untrue - csubj(untrue, said)
Root S < SBAR|S=target and !$+ /^,$/ $++ VP !$-- NP
clausal passive subject
parent: csubj
The "clausal passive subject" grammatical relation. A clausal passive subject is a subject of a passive verb which is a clause. (subject is "that she lied")
That she lied was suspected by everyone - csubjpass(suspected, lied)
Root S < SBAR|S=target and !$+ /^,$/ $++ VP and < VP < VBN|VBD < /^(?:VB|AUXG?)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase|get|getting|gets|got|gotten)$/ !$-- NP
Root S < SBAR|S=target and !$+ /^,$/ $++ VP and <+(VP) VP and < VBN|VBD > VP < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase|get|getting|gets|got|gotten)$/ !$-- NP
parent: arg
The "complement" grammatical relation. A complement of a VP is any object (direct or indirect) of that VP, or a clause or adjectival phrase which functions like an object; a complement of a clause is an complement of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
She gave me a raise - comp(gave, me), comp(gave, a raise)
I like to swim - comp(like, to swim)
parent: comp
The "object" grammatical relation. An object of a VP is any direct object or indirect object of that VP; an object of a clause is an object of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
She gave me a raise - obj(gave, me), obj(gave, raise)
direct object
parent: obj
The "direct object" grammatical relation. The direct object of a verb is the noun phrase which is the (accusative) object of the verb; the direct object of a clause or VP is the direct object of the head predicate of that clause. Note that dobj can also be assigned by the conversion of rel in the postprocessing.
She gave me a raise - dobj(gave, raise)
Root VP and !< /^(?:VB|AUX)/ or < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ < /^(?i:seem|seems|seemed|seeming|resemble|resembles|resembled|resembling|become|becomes|became|becoming|remain|remains|remained|remaining)$/ < NP|WHNP=target or and !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ !$+ NP $+ NP-TMP $+ NP <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ <# __ !$++ NP $++ /^[:]$/ $++ =target
Root VP < S < NP|WHNP=target $++ VP < TO
Root SQ and < /^(?:VB)/=verb !< /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ $-- WHNP !< VP !< /^(?:VB)/ !== =verb < NP|WHNP=target or and !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ !$+ NP $+ NP-TMP $+ NP <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/
Root SBARQ and < WHNP=target and !< WRB !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ <+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) VP and !< NP|TO !< S < VP < TO !< /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ $++ VP < VBN|VBD !< PP <: IN|TO $-- NP !< /^-NONE-$/
Root SBAR and < WHNP=target !< WRB < S and < NP < VP and !< SBAR !<+(VP) PP <-1 IN|TO !< S < VP < TO
Root SBARQ < WHNP=target $++ /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ and $++ ADJP=adj !< PP !< NP $++ NP $++ =adj
indirect object
parent: obj
The "indirect object" grammatical relation. The indirect object of a VP is the noun phrase which is the (dative) object of the verb; the indirect object of a clause is the indirect object of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
She gave me a raise - iobj(gave, me)
Root VP < NP=target and !< /\$/ !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ $+ NP !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/
Root VP < NP=target < NP and !< /\$/ $++ NP and !<: PRP < /^(?i:myself|yourself|himself|herself|itself|ourselves|yourselves|themselves)$/ !<: DT !< /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter|lot)$/ !$ CC|CONJP !$ /^,$/ !$++ /^:$/
prepositional object
parent: obj
The "prepositional object" grammatical relation. The object of a preposition is the head of a noun phrase following the preposition, or the adverbs "here" and "there". (The preposition in turn may be modifying a noun, verb, etc.) We here define cases of VBG quasi-prepositions like "including", "concerning", etc. as instances of pobj (unlike the Penn Treebank). (The preposition can be called a FW for pace, versus, etc. It can also be called a CC - but we don't currently handle that and would need to distinguish from conjoined PPs. Jan 2010 update: We now insist that the NP must follow the preposition. This prevents a preceding NP measure phrase being matched as a pobj. We do allow a preposition tagged RB followed by an NP pobj, as happens in the Penn Treebank for adverbial uses of PP like "up 19%")
I sat on the chair - pobj(on, chair)
Root /^(?:PP(?:-TMP)?|(?:WH)?(?:PP|ADVP))$/ < SYM|IN|VBG|VBN|TO|FW|RB|RBR and $++ /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|ADJP)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/=target !$- @NP !< /^(?i:not)$/
Root /^PP(?:-TMP)?$/ < /^(?:IN|VBG|VBN|TO)$/ $+ ADVP=target or < RB < /^(?i:here|there)$/ < ADVP < /^NP(?:-TMP)?$/
Root PRT >-1 VP and !< S < VP < TO >+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) SBARQ <1 WHNP=target !< WRB $-- NP !< /^-NONE-$/
Root PP and <: IN|TO >-1 VP and !< S < VP < TO >+(SQ|SINV|S|VP) SBARQ <1 WHNP=target !< WRB $-- NP !< /^-NONE-$/
Root PP and <: IN|TO and $- NP and $-- VBZ|VBD !$++ VP >+(SQ) SBARQ <1 WHNP=target !< WRB $-- NP !< /^-NONE-$/
Root XS|ADVP and < IN < /^(?i:at)$/ < JJS|DT=target
Root @PP and < CC < @NP=target !< @IN|TO|VBG|VBN|RB|RP|PP
Root @WHPP|PP < @WHPP|PP $++ CC|CONJP $++ @WHPP|PP $+ NP=target !$+ __
Root SBARQ < WHNP=target $++ /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ and $++ ADJP=adj < PP !< NP $++ NP $++ =adj
prepositional complement
parent: comp
The "prepositional complement" grammatical relation. This is used when the complement of a preposition is a clause or an adverbial or prepositional phrase. The prepositional complement of a preposition is the head of the sentence following the preposition, or the preposition head of the PP. It is warmer in Greece than in Italy &arr; <code>pcomp</code>(than, in)
We have no useful information on whether users are at risk - pcomp(on, are)
They heard about you missing classes. - pcomp(about, missing)
Root @PP|WHPP < RB $+ @SBAR|S=target
Root @PP|WHPP and !< IN|TO < SBAR=target <1 IN $+ S
clausal complement
parent: comp
The "clausal complement" grammatical relation. A clausal complement of a verb or adjective is a dependent clause with an internal subject which functions like an object of the verb, or adjective. Clausal complements for nouns are limited to complement clauses with a subset of nouns like "fact" or "report". We analyze them the same (parallel to the analysis of this class as "content clauses" in Huddleston and Pullum 2002). Clausal complements are usually finite (though there are occasional exceptions including remnant English subjunctives, and we also classify the complement of causative "have" (She had him arrested) in this category.
He says that you like to swim - ccomp(says, like)
I am certain that he did it - ccomp(certain, did)
I admire the fact that you are honest - ccomp(fact, honest)
Root VP < S=target and < VP !<1 TO|VBG|VBN !$-- NP
Root VP < SBAR=target and < S <+(S) VP <1 IN|DT < /^(?i:that|whether)$/
Root VP < SBAR=target and < SBAR and < S <+(S) VP <1 IN|DT < /^(?i:that|whether)$/ < CC|CONJP
Root VP < SBAR=target and < S < VP !$-- NP !<1 IN|WHADVP !<2 IN|WHADVP $- ADVP|RB
Root VP and < /^V/ < /^(?i:tell|tells|told|telling)$/ < SBAR=target and < S < VP $-- NP !<1 IN|WHADVP !<2 IN|WHADVP $- ADVP|RB
Root VP < SBAR=target and < S < VP !$-- NP <1 WHADVP < WRB < /^(?i:how)$/
Root VP < @SBARQ=target
Root VP and < /^VB/ < /^(?i:have|had|has|having|'ve|ve|v|'d|d|hvae|hav|as)$/ < S=target and < @NP < VP
Root VP and < @SBAR=target and !$-- @SBAR|S !$-- /^:$/ or == @SBAR=sbar <# @SBAR=sbar < /^V/ < /^(?i:ask|asks|asked|asking|know|knows|knew|knowing|specify|specifies|specified|specifying|tell|tells|told|telling|understand|understands|understood|understanding|wonder|wonders|wondered|wondering)$/ or < /^V/ < /^(?i:tell|tells|told|telling)$/ < =target !$-- NP : =sbar and < WHADVP|WHNP and < WRB !< /^(?i:how)$/ !$-- /^(?!RB|ADVP).*$/ !< S < VP < TO
Root @S|SINV and < @S|SBARQ=target and $+ /^(,|\.|'')$/ !$- /^(?:CC|CONJP|:)$/ !$- /^(?:,)$/ $- CC|CONJP !< VP < TO|VBG|VBN !< VP <1 VP or <1 VBG|VBN <2 VBG|VBN $-- ADVP !< @S and !== =target $++ =target !$++ @CC|CONJP
Root ADVP < SBAR=target or < WHNP and < IN < /^(?i:as|that)/ < S < VP !< TO
Root ADJP < SBAR=target and !< IN < as < S
Root S <1 SBAR=target and <1 IN < /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ VP
Root @NP and < JJ|NN|NNS < SBAR=target or !< S < VP < TO !$-- NP|NN|NNP|NNS
xclausal complement
parent: comp
An open clausal complement (<i>xcomp</i>) of a VP or an ADJP is a clausal complement without its own subject, whose reference is determined by an external subject. These complements are always non-finite. The name <i>xcomp</i> is borrowed from Lexical-Functional Grammar. (Mainly "TO-clause" are recognized, but also some VBG like "stop eating")
I like to swim - xcomp(like, swim)
I am ready to leave - xcomp(ready, leave)
Root VP < S=target and or !$-- NP $-- /^V/ < /^(?i:advise|advises|advised|advising|allow|allows|allowed|allowing|ask|asks|asked|asking|beg|begs|begged|begging|convice|convinces|convinced|convincing|demand|demands|demanded|demanding|desire|desires|desired|desiring|expect|expects|expected|expecting|encourage|encourages|encouraged|encouraging|force|forces|forced|forcing|implore|implores|implored|imploring|lobby|lobbies|lobbied|lobbying|order|orders|ordered|ordering|persuade|persuades|persuaded|persuading|pressure|pressures|pressured|pressuring|prompt|prompts|prompted|prompting|require|requires|required|requiring|tell|tells|told|telling|urge|urges|urged|urging)$/ !$- NN < order < VP < TO
Root ADJP < S=target <1 VP <1 TO
Root VP < S=target and !$- NN < order < NP $+ NP|ADJP
Root VP <# /^(?:VB|AUX)/ $+ VP=target < VB|VBG
Root VP and < SBAR=target < S and !$- NN < order < VP < TO !> VP < VB|AUX < be
Root VP and < S=target and !$- NN < order <: NP > VP
Root VP and < /^VB/ $+ @S=target < @ADJP and < /^JJ/ !$-- @NP|S $-- /^VB/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/
Root VP < S=target and < VP < VBG !< NP !$- /^,$/ or $- @NP|VP $- @PP $-- @NP $- @ADVP $-- @NP !$-- /^:$/ !$-- VBG
Root VP and $-- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ < /^VB/ < /^(?i:seem|seems|seemed|seeming|resemble|resembles|resembled|resembling|become|becomes|became|becoming|remain|remains|remained|remaining)$/ < NP=target
Root VP and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:seem|seems|seemed|seeming|resemble|resembles|resembled|resembling|become|becomes|became|becoming|remain|remains|remained|remaining)$/ < NP|WHNP=target or and !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ !$+ NP $+ NP-TMP $+ NP <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ <# __ !$++ NP $++ /^[:]$/ $++ =target
Root VP=vp and < NP=target < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ >># =vp !$ NP < EX
Root SINV <# VP and < /^(?:VB|AUX)/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ $-- NP $-- NP=target
parent: comp
The RELATIVE grammatical relation is only here as a temporary relation. This tregex triggering indicates either a dobj or a pobj should be here. We figure this out in a post-processing step by looking at the surrounding dependencies.
Root SBAR and < WHNP=target !< WRB < S and < NP < VP or < SBAR <+(VP) PP <-1 IN|TO < S < VP < TO
Root SBARQ and < WHNP=target and !< WRB !<# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ <+(SQ|SINV) /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ !$++ VP
parent: dep
The "referent" grammatical relation. A referent of the Wh-word of a NP is the relative word introducing the relative clause modifying the NP.
I saw the book which you bought - ref(book, which)
I saw the book the cover of which you designed - ref(book, which)
parent: dep
The "expletive" grammatical relation. This relation captures an existential there.
There is a statue in the corner - expl(is, there)
Root S|SQ|SINV < NP=target <+(NP) EX
adjectival complement
parent: comp
The "adjectival complement" grammatical relation. An adjectival complement of a VP is an adjectival phrase which functions as the complement (like an object of the verb); an adjectival complement of a clause is the adjectival complement of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
She looks very beautiful - acomp(looks, beautiful)
Root VP or < ADJP=target and < /^VB/ or and < /^(?i:seem|seems|seemed|seeming|resemble|resembles|resembled|resembling|become|becomes|became|becoming|remain|remains|remained|remaining)$/ $++ VP=target $+ @S=target < @ADJP and < /^JJ/ !$-- @NP|S !$-- /^VB/ < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/
Root SQ < /^VB/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ $++ ADJP=target !$++ VP
parent: dep
The "modifier" grammatical relation. A modifier of a VP is any constituent that serves to modify the meaning of the VP (but is not an <code>ARGUMENT</code> of that VP); a modifier of a clause is an modifier of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
Last night, I swam in the pool - mod(swam, in the pool), mod(swam, last night)
adverbial clause modifier
parent: mod
The "adverbial clause modifier" grammatical relation. An adverbial clause modifier of some predicates, such as a VP or (inverted) sentence is a clause modifying the verb (temporal clauses, consequences, conditional clauses, etc.).
The accident happened as the night was falling - advcl(happened, falling)
If you know who did it, you should tell the teacher - advcl(tell, know)
Root VP < @SBAR=target <= @SBAR or < IN !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ <: SINV <1 /^(?:VB|MD|AUX)/ and < RB|IN < so|now < IN < that and <1 ADVP < RB < now <2 IN < that
Root S|SQ|SINV < SBAR|SBAR-TMP=target and <1 IN and !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ NN < order !$-- /^(?!CC|CONJP|``|,|INTJ|PP(-.*)?).*$/ !$+ VP
Root S|SQ|SINV < SBAR|SBAR-TMP=target and <2 IN and !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ NN < order !$-- /^(?!CC|CONJP|``|,|INTJ|PP(-.*)?$).*$/
Root S|SQ|SINV < SBAR|SBAR-TMP=target and <1 IN and !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ NN < order !$+ @VP $+ /^,$/ $++ @NP
Root SBARQ < SBAR|SBAR-TMP|SBAR-ADV=target and <1 IN and !< /^(?i:that|whether)$/ !$+ NN < order $+ /^,$/ $++ @SQ|S|SBARQ
Root S|SQ and < @SBAR=target or == @SBAR=sbar <# @SBAR=sbar : =sbar and < WHADVP|WHNP and < WRB !< /^(?i:how)$/ !$-- /^(?!RB|ADVP).*$/ !< S < VP < TO !$-- /^:$/
Root VP and < @SBAR=target and !$-- /^:$/ or == @SBAR=sbar <# @SBAR=sbar or !< /^V/ < /^(?i:ask|asks|asked|asking|know|knows|knew|knowing|specify|specifies|specified|specifying|tell|tells|told|telling|understand|understands|understood|understanding|wonder|wonders|wondered|wondering)$/ < =target $-- @SBAR|S and !< /^V/ < /^(?i:tell|tells|told|telling)$/ < =target $-- NP : =sbar and < WHADVP|WHNP and < WRB !< /^(?i:how)$/ !$-- /^(?!RB|ADVP).*$/ !< S < VP < TO
Root @S < @SBAR=target and $++ @NP $++ @VP
Root @S < @S=target and < VP < TO $+ /^,$/ $++ @NP
Root NP < NP and $++ SBAR=target and < IN < /^(?i:than)$/ !< WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP < S < @NP $++ VP and !< /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ !$+ VP !<+(VP) /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ $+ VP < VBN|VBD !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) PP <-1 IN|TO !<: S !< VP < TO !$++ CC $++ =target
Root ADVP and < ADVP < SBAR=target
relative clause modifier
parent: mod
The "relative clause modifier" grammatical relation. A relative clause modifier of an NP is a relative clause modifying the NP. The link points from the head noun of the NP to the head of the relative clause, normally a verb.
I saw the man you love - rcmod(man, love)
I saw the book which you bought - rcmod(book, bought)
Root @NP|WHNP|NML=np and $++ SBAR=target or <+(SBAR) WHPP|WHNP <: S !< VP < TO !$-- @NP|WHNP|NML !$++ FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ !$++ ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ > @NP|WHNP : =np !$++ CC|CONJP $++ =target
Root NP|NML and $++ SBAR=target < WHADVP < WRB < /^(?i:where|why|when)/ !$-- NP|NML !$++ FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ !$++ ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ > @NP
Root @NP|WHNP and < RRC=target <# NP|WHNP|NML|DT|S
Root @ADVP and < @ADVP < RB < /where$/ < @SBAR=target
Root NP < NP and $++ SBAR=target and !< IN < /^(?i:than|that|whether)$/ !< WHPP|WHNP|WHADVP < S < @NP $++ VP and !< /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ !$+ VP !<+(VP) /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ $+ VP < VBN|VBD !<+(VP) NP !< SBAR !<+(VP) PP <-1 IN|TO !<: S !< VP < TO !$++ CC $++ =target
parent: mod
The "marker" grammatical relation. A marker is the word introducing a finite clause subordinate to another clause. For a complement clause, this will typically be "that" or "whether". For an adverbial clause, the marker is typically a preposition like "while" or "although".
U.S. forces have been engaged in intense fighting after insurgents launched simultaneous attacks - mark(launched, after)
Root SBAR|SBAR-TMP < IN|DT=target $++ S|FRAG
Root SBAR and < IN|DT=target < that|whether or $-- /^(?:VB|AUX)/ $- NP|NN|NNS > ADJP|PP > @NP|UCP|SBAR and < CC|CONJP $-- /^(?:VB|AUX)/
adjectival modifier
parent: mod
The "adjectival modifier" grammatical relation. An adjectival modifier of an NP is any adjectival phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the NP. The relation amod is also used for multiword country adjectives, despite their questionable treebank representation.
Sam eats red meat - amod(meat, red)
the West German economy - amod(German, West), amod(economy, German)
Root /^(?:NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|NAC|WHNP)$/ < ADJP|WHADJP|JJ|JJR|JJS|JJP|VBN|VBG|VBD|IN=target and !< QP !< /^[$]$/ !$- CC
Root ADJP and !< CC|CONJP < JJ|NNP $ JJ|NNP=target
Root WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < NP=target and <: CD $- /^,$/ $-- /^(?:WH)?NP/ !$ CC|CONJP
numeric modifier
parent: mod
The "numeric modifier" grammatical relation. A numeric modifier of an NP is any number phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the NP.
Sam eats 3 sheep - num(sheep, 3)
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < CD|QP=target !$- CC
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < ADJP=target <: QP !< /^[$]$/
Root QP and < QP=target < /^[$]$/
compound number modifier
parent: mod
The "compound number modifier" grammatical relation. A compound number modifier is a part of a number phrase or currency amount.
I lost $ 3.2 billion - number($, billion)
Root QP|ADJP < /^(?:CD|$|#)$/=target !$- CC
quantifier modifier
parent: mod
The "quantifier phrase modifier" grammatical relation. A quantifier modifier is an element modifying the head of a QP constituent.
About 200 people came to the party - quantmod(200, About)
nn modifier
parent: mod
The "noun compound modifier" grammatical relation. A noun compound modifier of an NP is any noun that serves to modify the head noun. Note that this has all nouns modify the rightmost a la Penn headship rules. There is no intelligent noun compound analysis. We eliminate nouns that are detected as part of a POS, since that will turn into the dependencies denoting possession instead. Note we have to include (VBZ &lt; /^'s$/) as part of the POS elimination, since quite a lot of text such as "yesterday's widely published sequester" was misannotated as a VBZ instead of a POS. TODO: remove that if a revised PTB is ever released.
Oil price futures - nn(futures, oil), nn(futures, price)
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NAC|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < NP|NML|NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|FW|AFX=target and $++ NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|FW|CD=sister !<<- POS !<<- VBZ < /^'s$/ !$- /^,$/ !$++ POS $++ =sister
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NX|NAC|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ and < JJ|JJR|JJS=sister < NP|NML|NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|FW=target and !<<- POS !<<- VBZ < /^'s$/ $+ =sister <# NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS !<<- POS !<<- VBZ < /^'s$/
Root ADJP|ADVP < FW or $- FW=target !< /^(?i:etc)$/ $- IN=target < in|In
appositional modifier
parent: mod
The "appositional modifier" grammatical relation. An appositional modifier of an NP is an NP that serves to modify the meaning of the NP. It includes parenthesized examples, as well as defining abbreviations.
Sam, my brother, eats red meat - appos(Sam, brother)
Bill (John's cousin) - appos(Bill, cousin)
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) - appos(Corporation, ABC)
Root WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV and < NP=target and !<: CD $- /^,$/ $-- /^(?:WH)?NP/ !< CC|CONJP !< ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < PRN=target < NP and < /^(?:NN|CD)/ $-- /^-LRB-$/ $+ /^-RRB-$/
Root @WHNP|NP < NP=target and !<: CD <1 /^-LRB-$/ <-1 /^-RRB-$/ $-- /^(?:WH)?NP/ !$ CC|CONJP
Root NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV and < NNP $+ /^,$/ $+ NNP=target !< CC|CONJP !< ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < PRN=target and <1 /^-LRB-$/ <-1 /^-RRB-$/ !<< /^(?:POS|(?:WP|PRP)\$|[,$#]|CC|RB|CD)$/ <+(NP) NNP|NN < /^(?:[A-Z]\.?){2,}/
Root WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV and < NP=target and <: NNP $- /^(?:WH)?NP/ !< POS !< CC|CONJP !< ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
discourse element
parent: mod
The "discourse element" grammatical relation. This is used for interjections and other discourse particles and elements (which are not clearly linked to the structure of the sentence, except in an expressive way). We generally follow the guidelines of what the Penn Treebanks count as an INTJ. They define this to include: interjections (oh, uh-huh, Welcome), fillers (um, ah), and discourse markers (well, like, actually, but not: you know). We also use it for emoticons.
Root __ < NFP=target or < /^(?:[<>]?[:;=8][\-o\*']?(?:-RRB-|-LRB-|[DPdpO\/\\\:}{@\|\[\]])|(?:-RRB-|-LRB-|[DPdpO\/\\\:}{@\|\[\]])[\-o\*']?[:;=8][<>]?)$/ < /(?!^--$)^(?:-LRB-)?[\-\^x=~<>'][_.]?[\-\^x=~<>'](?:-RRB-)?$/
Root __ or < INTJ=target < PRN=target and <1 /^(?:,|-LRB-)$/ <2 INTJ or !<3 __ <3 /^(?:,|-RRB-)$/
verb modifier
parent: mod
The "verb modifier" grammatical relation. A verb modifier of an NP, VP, or S is a S/VP[part] that serves to modify the meaning of the NP or VP.
truffles picked during the spring are tasty - vmod(truffles, picked)
Bill picked Fred for the team demonstrating his incompetence - vmod(picked, demonstrating)
points to establish are ... - vmod(points, establish)
who am i to judge - vmod(who, judge)
Root S|SINV and < S=target and or < VP=verb < VP <1 VP=verb or $- /^,$/ or $- @NP $- @PP $ @NP $+ /^,$/ $+ @NP : =verb or <1 VBG|VBN <2 VBG|VBN $-- ADVP
Root VP < @S=target and < VP or <1 VBG|VBN <2 VBG|VBN $-- ADVP $- /^,$/ or $- @NP|VP $- @PP $-- @NP $- @ADVP $-- @NP
Root VP < S=target and < VP < VBG $-- VBG=ing !$-- /^[:]$/ $-- =ing
Root VP < S=target and $-- NP < VP < TO !$-- /^V/ < /^(?i:advise|advises|advised|advising|allow|allows|allowed|allowing|ask|asks|asked|asking|beg|begs|begged|begging|convice|convinces|convinced|convincing|demand|demands|demanded|demanding|desire|desires|desired|desiring|expect|expects|expected|expecting|encourage|encourages|encouraged|encouraging|force|forces|forced|forcing|implore|implores|implored|imploring|lobby|lobbies|lobbied|lobbying|order|orders|ordered|ordering|persuade|persuades|persuaded|persuading|pressure|pressures|pressured|pressuring|prompt|prompts|prompted|prompting|require|requires|required|requiring|tell|tells|told|telling|urge|urges|urged|urging)$/
Root /^NP(?:-[A-Z]+)?$/ < S=target and < VP < TO $-- NP|NN|NNP|NNS
Root /^NP(?:-[A-Z]+)?$/ < SBAR=target and < S < VP < TO $-- NP|NN|NNP|NNS
Root SBARQ and < WHNP < S=target < VP <1 TO
adverbial modifier
parent: mod
The "adverbial modifier" grammatical relation. An adverbial modifier of a word is a (non-clausal) RB or ADVP that serves to modify the meaning of the word.
genetically modified food - advmod(modified, genetically)
less often - advmod(often, less)
Root /^(?:VP|ADJP|JJP|WHADJP|SQ?|SBARQ?|SINV|XS|RRC|(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?)$/ < RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP=target and !< /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root ADVP|WHADVP and < RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP|JJ=target and !< /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/ !< /^(?i:no)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ or !< /^CC|CONJP$/ and <# __=head !< /^CC|CONJP$/ or and $++ =head $-- =target and $-- =head $++ =target
Root SBAR < WHNP=target < WRB
Root SBARQ <1 WHADVP=target
Root XS < JJ=target
Root /(?:WH)?PP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ <# __ $-- RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP=target and !< /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root /(?:WH)?PP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ and < @NP|WHNP < RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP=target and !< /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root CONJP < RB=target and !< /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/ !< FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
negation modifier
parent: advmod
The "negation modifier" grammatical relation. The negation modifier is the relation between a negation word and the word it modifies.
Bill is not a scientist - neg(scientist, not)
Bill doesn't drive - neg(drive, n't)
Root /^(?:VP|NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|ADJP|SQ|S|FRAG|CONJP|PP)$/ < RB=target < /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/
Root VP|ADJP|S|SBAR|SINV|FRAG < ADVP=target <# RB < /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/
Root VP and > SQ $-- RB=target < /^(?i:n[o']?t|never)$/
Root /^(?:NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NAC|NML|NX|ADJP|ADVP)$/ < DT|RB=target and < /^(?i:no)$/ $++ /^(?:N[MNXP]|CD|JJ|JJR|FW|ADJP|QP|RB|RBR|PRP(?![$])|PRN)/
Root ADVP|WHADVP and < RB|RBR|RBS|WRB|ADVP|WHADVP|JJ=target < /^(?i:no)$/ !< CC|CONJP
noun phrase adverbial modifier
parent: mod
The "noun phrase as adverbial modifier" grammatical relation. This relation captures various places where something syntactically a noun phrase is used as an adverbial modifier in a sentence. These usages include: A measure phrase, which is the relation between the head of an ADJP/ADVP and the head of a measure-phrase modifying the ADJP/ADVP. Noun phrases giving extent inside a VP which are not objects Financial constructions involving an adverbial or PP-like NP, notably the following construction where the NP means "per share" Reflexives Certain other absolutive NP constructions. A temporal modifier (tmod) is a subclass of npadvmod which is distinguished as a separate relation.
The director is 65 years old - npadvmod(old, years)
Shares eased a fraction - npadvmod(eased, fraction)
IBM earned $ 5 a share - npadvmod($, share)
The silence is itself significant - npadvmod(significant, itself)
90% of Australians like him, the most of any country - npadvmod(like, most)
Root @ADVP|ADJP|WHADJP|WHADVP|PP|WHPP <# JJ|JJR|IN|RB|RBR and !< notwithstanding $- @NP=target !< NNP|NNPS
Root @ADJP and < NN=target $++ /^JJ/ !< CC|CONJP
Root @NP|WHNP < /^NP-ADV/=target
Root @NP|WHNP and or < NP=target <: PRP < /^(?i:myself|yourself|himself|herself|itself|ourselves|yourselves|themselves)$/ < PRP=target < /^(?i:myself|yourself|himself|herself|itself|ourselves|yourselves|themselves)$/ : =target and $-- NP|NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|PRP=noun !$-- /^,|CC|CONJP$/ $-- =noun
Root @NP and <1 @NP <<# /^%$/ <2 @NP=target <<# days|month|months !<3 __
Root @VP < /^NP-ADV/=target
temporal modifier
parent: npadvmod
The "temporal modifier" grammatical relation. A temporal modifier of a VP or an ADJP is any constituent that serves to modify the meaning of the VP or the ADJP by specifying a time; a temporal modifier of a clause is an temporal modifier of the VP which is the predicate of that clause.
Last night, I swam in the pool - tmod(swam, night)
Root VP|ADJP|RRC or < NP-TMP=target < VP=target and <# NP-TMP !$ /^,|CC|CONJP$/ < NP=target and <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ !$+ /^JJ/ < old
Root @PP < IN|TO|VBG|FW $++ @NP or $+ NP-TMP=target $+ NP=target <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/
Root S < NP-TMP=target and $++ VP $ NP
Root S < NP=target and <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ $++ NP $++ VP
Root SBAR and < @WHADVP < WRB < when < S < NP $+ VP !< /^(?:VB|AUX)/ and < /^(?i:be|being|been|am|are|r|is|ai|was|were|'m|m|'re|'s|s|`s|art|ar|wase)$/ !$+ VP !$-- CC $-- NP > NP=target
Root SBARQ and < @WHNP=target <# /^NN/ < /^(?i:Mondays?|Tuesdays?|Wednesdays?|Thursdays?|Fridays?|Saturdays?|Sundays?|years?|months?|weeks?|days?|mornings?|evenings?|nights?|January|Jan\.|February|Feb\.|March|Mar\.|April|Apr\.|May|June|July|August|Aug\.|September|Sept\.|October|Oct\.|November|Nov\.|December|Dec\.|today|yesterday|tomorrow|spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter)$/ < SQ < @NP
Root NP < NP-TMP=target
multi-word expression
parent: mod
The "multi-word expression" grammatical relation. This covers various multi-word constructions for which it would seem pointless or arbitrary to claim grammatical relations between words: as well as, rather than, instead of, but also; such as, because of, all but, in addition to .... <code>mwe</code>(well, as) "fewer than 700 bottles" &rarr; <code>mwe</code>(than, fewer)
dogs as well as cats - mwe(well, as)
Root PP|XS and < IN|TO < as|of|at|to|in < JJ|IN|JJR|JJS|NN=target < such|because|Because|least|instead|due|Due|addition|to
Root ADVP and < RB|IN < well < IN|RB|JJS=target < as
Root ADVP and < DT=target < all < CC < but
Root CONJP and < RB < rather|well|instead < RB|IN=target < as|than|of
Root CONJP and < IN < in < NN|TO=target < addition|to
Root XS < JJR|JJS=target
parent: mod
The "determiner" grammatical relation. (The ADVP match is because sometimes "a little" or "every time" is tagged as an AVDVP with POS tags straight under it.)
The man is here - det(man,the)
Which man do you prefer? - det(man,which)
Root /^(?:NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NAC|NML|NX|X)$/ < DT=target and !< /^(?i:either|neither|both|no)$/ !$+ DT !$++ CC $++ /^(?:N[MNXP]|CD|JJ|FW|ADJP|QP|RB|PRP(?![$])|PRN)/=det !$++ /^PRP[$]|POS/ and $++ =det !$++ /''/ $++ =det
Root NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV < DT=target or and < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ !$+ DT !$++ CC $++ /^(?:NN|NX|NML)/ !$++ NP < CC and !< /^(?i:either|neither|both|no)$/ $++ CC $++ /^(?:NN|NX|NML)/ and !< /^(?i:no)$/ $++ /^JJ/ !$+ /^NN/ !$++ CC !$+ DT
Root NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV and <<, PRP <-1 NP|DT|RB=target <<- all|both|each
Root WHNP < NP $-- WHNP=target < WDT
Root @WHNP|ADVP|ADJP < /^(?:NP|NN|CD|RBS|JJ)/ $-- DT|WDT|WP=target and !< /^(?i:no)$/ or == WDT|WP !$++ CC|CONJP
Root @NP < /^(?:NP|NN|CD|RBS)/ $-- WDT|WP=target
parent: mod
The "predeterminer" grammatical relation.
All the boys are here - predet(boys,all)
Root /^(?:(?:WH)?NP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NAC|NML)$/ < PDT|DT=target and $+ /^(?:DT|WP\$|PRP\$)$/ $++ /^(?:NN|NX|NML)/ !$++ CC
Root WHNP|WHNP-TMP|WHNP-ADV|NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV and < PDT|DT=target and $+ DT $++ /^JJ/ !$+ /^NN/ !$++ CC
parent: mod
The "preconjunct" grammatical relation.
Both the boys and the girls are here - preconj(boys,both)
Root NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NX|NML < PDT|CC|DT=target and < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ $++ CC
Root NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NX|NML < CONJP=target and < RB < /^(?i:not)$/ < RB|JJ < /^(?i:only|merely|just)$/ $++ CC|CONJP
Root NP|NP-TMP|NP-ADV|NX|NML and < PDT|CC|DT=target < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ < NP < CC
Root /^S|VP|ADJP|PP|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|SBAR$/ < PDT|DT|CC=target and < /^(?i:either|neither|both)$/ $++ CC
Root /^S|VP|ADJP|PP|ADVP|UCP(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|NX|NML|SBAR$/ < CONJP=target and < RB < /^(?i:not)$/ < RB|JJ < /^(?i:only|merely|just)$/ $++ CC|CONJP
possession modifier
parent: mod
The "possession" grammatical relation between the possessum and the possessor.
their offices - poss(offices, their)
Bill 's clothes - poss(clothes, Bill)
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|INTJ|ADJP|PRN|NAC|NX|NML)(?:-.*)?$/ < /^(?:WP\$|PRP\$)$/=target
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-.*)?$/ or and < WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML=target or < POS < VBZ < /^'s$/ !< CC|CONJP $++ WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML < WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML=target and < CC|CONJP $++ WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML < WHNP|WHNML|NP|NML or < POS < VBZ < /^'s$/
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML|NX)(?:-.*)?$/ < /^NN|NP/=target and $++ POS=pos and < /'/ $++ /^NN/ !$++ /^NN|NP/ $++ =pos
possessive modifier
parent: mod
The "possessive" grammatical relation. This is the relation given to 's (or ' with plurals).
John's book - possessive(John, 's)
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < POS=target
Root /^(?:WH)?(?:NP|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?$/ < VBZ=target < /^'s$/
prepositional modifier
parent: mod
The "prepositional modifier" grammatical relation. A prepositional modifier of a verb, adjective, or noun is any prepositional phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the verb, adjective, or noun. We also generate prep modifiers of PPs to account for treebank (PP PP PP) constructions (from 1984 through 2002).
I saw a cat in a hat - prep(cat, in)
I saw a cat with a telescope - prep(saw, with)
He is responsible for meals - prep(responsible, for)
Root /^(?:(?:WH)?(?:NP|ADJP|ADVP|NX|NML)(?:-TMP|-ADV)?|VP|NAC|SQ|FRAG|PRN|X|RRC)$/ and < WHPP|WHPP-TMP|PP|PP-TMP=target !$- @CC|CONJP $- __ !<-1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/ !<-1 ADVP|NP <1 FW < /^(?i:etc)$/
Root S|SINV and < PP|PP-TMP=target !< SBAR < VP|S
Root SBAR|SBARQ and < /^(?:WH)?PP/=target < S|SQ
Root @NP < @UCP|PRN=target <# @PP
phrasal verb particle
parent: mod
The "phrasal verb particle" grammatical relation. The "phrasal verb particle" relation identifies phrasal verb.
They shut down the station. - prt(shut, down)
Root VP < PRT=target
Root ADJP and < /^VB/ < RP=target
parent: dep
The "parataxis" grammatical relation. Relation between the main verb of a sentence and other sentential elements, such as a sentential parenthetical, a sentence after a ":" or a ";", when two sentences are juxtaposed next to each other without any coordinator or subordinator, etc.
The guy, John said, left early in the morning. - parataxis(left,said)
Root VP < PRN=target < S|SINV|SBAR
Root VP $ PRN=target or < S|SINV|SBAR and < VP < @NP
Root S|VP and < /^:$/ $+ /^S/=target !<1 __ $++ CC|CONJP
Root @S < @S|SBARQ and $++ @S|SBARQ=target !$++ @CC|CONJP
Root @S|VP and < /^:$/ and $-- /^V/ $+ @NP=target !< @CONJP|CC
goes with
parent: mod
The "goes with" grammatical relation. This corresponds to use of the GW (goes with) part-of-speech tag in the recent Penn Treebanks. It marks partial words that should be combined with some other word.
They come here with out legal permission. - goeswith(out, with)
Root __ < GW=target
semantic dependent
parent: dep
The "semantic dependent" grammatical relation has been introduced as a supertype for the controlling subject relation.
parent: dep
The "agent" grammatical relation. The agent of a passive VP is the complement introduced by "by" and doing the action.
The man has been killed by the police - agent(killed, police)